
In 2014 when I became a mum, I was still working long hours as a pharmacist. And yet I knew that it was important to me to bring up my daughter in the best way possible. Most things I just figured out, like changing the baby, giving her attention and rocking to sleep. And then came the feeding. And this I was totally not prepared for. Somehow preparing healthy meals for the family became stressful to me and I needed to find ways to simplify this.
I furthered my studies in child nutrition, I began to experiment with new ingredients and learned to enjoy nutritious food myself. I learned to prepare home-made meals and snacks where possible instead of buying them ready made. In 2017 I began the blog Vanilla Mummy where I shared my parenting struggles and my food victories. I began to come up with my own recipes and share them. I also managed to conquer the area of school lunches by giving my daughter packed lunches which are more balanced. And although dinners are still sometimes a battle because she is a picky eater, she is slowly learning the importance of good nutrition. I realized in these years of preparing lunches, that because it can get so stressful, I need to keep finding ways of offering healthy foods in a simple, easy and quick way.

Vanilla Mummy became my way of promoting the concept of serving nutritious food which is simple to prepare. Everything that I share here, packed lunches, family dinners, snacks, and even the items that we sell on the online store, revolves around the same concept: serving nutritious food in an easy and fun way.
I am also passionate about Protecting the environment by moving away from the use of single use plastics and from pre-packaged food. This becomes easy when using one of our lunchboxes in the store. The lunchboxes and lunch accessories will also reduce food waste. Many of our products are also eco-friendly or promote the concept of re-using and recycling. This is not just good for our planet but turns out to be cost effective and will save You time and money.